Saturday, October 31, 2009

MJ would be so proud if he could have heard Andrew sing, "YOU KNOCK ME OFF OF MY FEET NOW BABY, OOOOHHHHH" at each house he went to! Andrew, you truly made so many peoples night - Most neighbors went to grab their cameras and/or camcorders when they saw you. We laughed all evening and we were so happy Nana was here to see it all.

Our little pirate princess for year number 2! (whose counting) She pranced around the neighborhood tonight holding tightly to all of her candy until she realized she could still carry it if she would just put it in the pumpkin. Emma had some sort of candy in her mouth the entire time trick or treating so she never really said "trick or treat" but she was so sweet b/c she said "sank you" to everyone who gave her candy. This was such a fun night! Andrew and Emma, we are so proud of you two and just thank God everyday you are ours.

Downtown Salem watching a bunch of Zombies do the Thriller dance last weekend. Having fun with the family! Andrew turned all the heads since he had his MJ costume on (:

Thursday, October 29, 2009


We had an absolute blast at the Pumpkin Patch with Andrews preschool class! Emma loved all the animals (off the record..this is NOT me standing behind her) (: She had NO fear of the goats or any other animals - I, on the other hand, was sweatin just imagining the goat salivating at Emmas little cute chubby hand. I had to post these pics of Emma b/c I actually got her binki out of her mouth!

Sorry about the crotch shot Emma but Andrews smile is too cute not to post. Bauman farms showed the kids how apple cider was made and served it up with warm donuts! Yum!

Emma needs rain boots! My biceps got a workout hauling her around. I am usually in between Andrew and Emma. Andrew runs way ahead singing Thriller or Beat It and Emma stops (or falls) to pick things up.
Life is good! This picture is missing daddy ): We certainly miss him on days like this. We are so thankful for how hard he is working and can't wait for him to be FREE! The best hours of everyday should be spent with the people you love the most. Thank you for Phil. I love my life.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to you Emma on Sept 18th! We can't believe she is 2 years old! Andrew loved "helping" her open ALL her gifts as well as blowing out her candles on the cake. Emma, you are one incredible little girl. She is repeating everything she hears. Andrew says, "Emma- say baby, say mommy, say banana, say poop, say diarrhea, say toot".....yes, it always goes south. (: Life is good.

Andrew asks daily, "mommy, whats my name?" I know the answer but I usually guess a few different names before he firmly tells me... "MY NAME IS MICHAEL JACKSON!" He begs to watch his music videos all the time and I can't run any errands without both kids wanting to listen to Beat It. Even Emma has the moves down. Everyone tells me this is a phase but when he wakes us up at 3am to tell Phil he is MJ, it makes me wonder?!