Sunday, March 7, 2010

Auntie was here and Jameson arrived!!!!

We had so much fun as Danielle arrived for an entire 5 weeks the day after Christmas. I will post more pics later... Thank you Auntie for all the love and laughs you shared with the entire family but especially Andrew, Emma and baby J. What a blessing our little Jameson is. He is absolutely adorable and I am excited to post more pics to this post when its not almost 1 am. (:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Time for our Christmas recap

Rachel and Taylor enjoy a final Christmas as "dinks" and can't wait to add another cousin to the adorable mix!

The kids had so much fun opening all the wrapped gifts from Santa in their stockings!

"Buncle Tis!" We all love you so much.

Our humble happy tree straight from the awesome Frank family tree farm (:

Emma loves helping out in the kitchen.. esp when
chocolate is involved!! Yum!!!!

I am a little behind on my we approach Spring Break I thought I really ought to post some fun Christmas pics. The holidays get more and more special and magical the older the kids get. We spent many evenings with the Chipmunks Christmas CD blaring as we baked cookies. Andrew was fully aware that his behavior and Santas generosity were directly related. Sweet Power... Emma was oblivious to that but loved helping decorate the tree and I couldn't keep the candy canes out of her hands. "Tandy Tane!" This year marked our 2nd annual "were staying home on Christmas Eve" and I thank God our family is so understanding about us wanting our kiddos to wake up on Christmas Day in their own beds. I absolutely love hosting dinner so papa, nana and buncle tis made the drive down to enjoy.... gosh, I honestly can't remember what I made. (thats what i get for slackin on the updates)